There are so many people in so many different roles who collectively make what we do possible. But the ones who quite literally put our magazines in the hands of readers are none other than postal workers. It’s safe to say we owe them much more than a shout-out on National Postal Worker Day, but we surely hope the readers of our publications – neighborhood homeowners, community residents, new movers, real estate agents, etc. – give their delivery person a big pat on the back for all they do.
Without our mailing partner, the United States Postal Service, and their hardworking employees, The N2 Company would not be able to serve the hundreds of communities we partner with nationwide. In fact, we have a dedicated team of people at N2 that oversees the production of our magazines and our partnership with USPS specifically. Earlier this year, this team jumped at the chance to attend the National Postal Forum held in Charlotte, NC. Through this event, our employees gained insight into the future of USPS, its key challenges, and the opportunities within the industry.
Our N2 team members were surrounded by industry experts, postal service providers, leaders, and tech businesses. There were workshops, lectures, roundtable discussions, and an enormous vendor exhibit hall. Some of the N2 crew’s favorite sessions included “Delivering in a Crisis” (with many speakers from the White House, the Department of Health and Human Services, and the USPS, including Postmaster General DeJoy) and “Print + Digital and the Limitations of All Digital” (which, needless to say, was really up our alley).
Another major highlight of the forum was our team’s chance to finally meet one of our key advocates at the USPS in person. Shoutout to Sybil!

When it comes to just how vital our relationship with the USPS really is, Angela Johnson (N2’s Mailing Success Specialist) says it best:
“Since the very beginning, N2 has been in a consistent and reliable partnership with the United States Postal Service. Starting with the launch of our first publication in Wilmington, NC, nearly 20 years ago, we have collaborated with the USPS to ensure that our magazines reach readers’ homes and advertisers’ businesses at the most affordable rates. Today, we mail all over the country! N2 prioritizes compliance with the ever-changing rules and regulations of the USPS. We place great value on fostering positive connections with the staff at USPS, recognizing the importance of collaboration and mutual respect.”
A huge thank you to every postal worker who has delivered an N2 publication, rain or shine, to our readers. We couldn’t bring communities together without you.